Liam’s Favorite Animal

Liam likes turtles. We found this out from his high school teacher today, and it means so much to know this. He’s non-verbal, and rarely shows any interest in pets or animals. Today, the pet store staff visited his school and brought in several animals. He didn’t show any interest in any of them, except for the turtles. This was interesting to me, considering that when he was a toddler I started surrounding him with turtle statues and stuffed animals. In Native American lore they are considered protectors of children, and associated with mother earth energy. For me, I also saw Liam as a more slow moving, slower to develop, but a very old soul, just like turtles. I even wore a soapstone carved turtle pendant all through his early childhood. They are animals that act as if they have all the time in the world.

All animals carry with them certain aspects and symbolism. In the Far East, the shell was a symbol of heaven, and the square underside was a symbol of earth. The turtle was an animal whose qualities could help you unite heaven and earth within your own life. A symbol of the turtle was an invitation for the blessings of both heaven and earth.

Whatever the meaning, for Liam they seem to be a special animal he’s drawn to. I’ve always adored them.

Posted by: Jill

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